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"jangan ambil sesuatu kecuali foto, jangan tinggalkan sesuatu kecuali jejak, jangan bunuh sesuatu kecuali waktu."

Cagar Budaya Mbah Kuwu Cirebon; Potensi Wisata Relijius Jawa Barat

Posted: Tuesday, June 1, 2010 by Karis As A Trader in Labels:

West Java has a lot of sites and objects of cultural heritage of excellence. One of them Talun Mausoleum, this is where dimakamkannya founder of Cirebon, namely Prince Cakrabuwana or also known as Mbah Kuwu Cirebon.

When I was working visit to Cirebon, alhamdulillah had a pilgrimage to this tomb together Talun Cirebon Regent, Mr. Dedi Supardi. Talun tomb is located in the Village Girang Cirebon, Cirebon District South, 5 km from the source (the capital city of Cirebon regency).

The plume, the complex was also present Talun Mausoleum stands grandly of a mosque called Masjid Al-Ikhlas. This mosque was founded by the family of Pak Dedi Supardi. This mosque can be used at any time ribauan pilgrims mendatangani Talun Graveyard.

In Cirebon, besides Tomb Talun, the most popular tourists and pilgrims is the tomb of Sunan Gunung Jati, Kasepuhan Sultanate, the Sultanate of Kanoman, and the Sultanate Kacirebonan.

Joint Government and Local Government Cirebon Cirebon, West Java provincial government continues to push for access and facilities objects of cultural heritage had been preserved and repaired. That way the tourists and pilgrims going to feel safe, comfortable, and especially during the pilgrimage or visiting.

Government budget is very limited. While the cultural heritage objects (BCB), which must be nurtured and developed so many wonderful. Therefore, I have an idea so that the business community and state contribute to such a''with Mr. Foster''from each of BCB in West Java.
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"jangan ambil sesuatu kecuali foto, jangan tinggalkan sesuatu kecuali jejak, jangan bunuh sesuatu kecuali waktu."